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Ncert class 12 english note-the last lesson,Ncert english note flamingo

Ncert class 12 english note-the last lesson,ncert enlish note

Ncert class 12 english note - The last lesson :- दोस्तों आज के इस article में मैं आपको ncert class 12 english का FLAMINGO का जो book है उसका chappter "the last lesson"के बारे में details से मैं आपको बताऊंगा और साथ में महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों का लिस्ट आपको दूंगा | इस chappter में जितने भी कठिन वर्ड हैं उनका हिंदी मीनिंग भी बताऊंगा तो आप जरुर इसको देखें ,आपको बता दे की the last lesson के लेखक का नाम Alphonse Daudet है |
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सबसे पहले आप इस chappter " the last lesson" के बारे में जान लीजिये -

Introduction of the last lesson

   alphonse Daudet's short story "the last lesson" is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Germany(Prussia) occupied two french districs of Alsace and Lorraine.By an order from Berlin,German language was imposed on the french speaking people of Alsace and Lorraine. The story highlights the dismay and distress of M.hamel, his student and the Villagers caused by that order from berlin.

अभी हमने the last lesson का introduction देखा चलिए अब देखते है इस chappter के जितने भी कठिन word है उनका हिंदी meaning देखते हैं । अगर आप इन सभी word को हिंदी माँ जान लेते है तो यह chappter आपको एकदम आसान लगेगा और आप आसानी के साथ इस chappter का जितने भी प्रश्न होगा आप आसानी के साथ उन सभी प्रश्नों का answer दे सकते हैं ।

Dread - डर
Scolding - ताड़ना,डाँटना
Participles - जो शब्द विशेषण और क्रिया का काम करें
Chirping - चहचहा रहे थे
Edge - छोर, किनारे
Woods - वृक्षों
Sawmill - लकड़ी चीरने का आराघर
Tempting - प्रलोभित करने वाला
Resist - काबू पाना/रोकना
Draft - योजना / खाक/प्रारूप
Blacksmith- लोहार
Bub - लड़का
Out of breath - हांफना
In unison - सभी एक साथ
Rapping - खटखटाते हुए
Counted on - निर्भर था
Commotion - अफरा-तफरी,शोर शराबा
Terrible- भयानक
Blushed - लज्जा से लाल हो गया,शरमा गया
Frightened - डरा हुआ
Fright - डर
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Frilled - झालर लगी हुई
Embroidered - कशीदाकारी की हुई
Except - के शिवाय
Inspection जाँच,मुआयना
Solemn - गंभीर

Primer - कायदा,प्रारंभिक पुस्तक
Mounted - ऊपर बैठ गया
Grave - गंभीर
Thunderclap - गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज
Wretches - अभागे
Seeking - ढूंढना
Sliding - फिसलते हुए
Nauisance - आफत
Give up - त्यागना/ छोड़ना
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Cranky - सनकी
Recite - जोर से सुनाना
Dreadful - भयानक
Mixed up - विचलित हो गया
Beating - धड़क रहा था
Plenty - काफी
Put off - टालना / देरी करना
Pretend - दिखावा करते रहे
Anxious - चिंतित
Preferred - ज्यादा महत्व दिया गया
Enslaved - दास बना दिए
Hold fast - मजबूती से पकड़ना
At one stroke - एक साथ ही,एक ही वार से
Dismissed - भंग कर दिया गया
Gesture - संकेत
Leaned - झुकाया
Vive la France - फ़्रांस अमर रहे
Chiked - गला अवरुद्ध हो गया
Pale - रंग उड़ जाना/ पिला पड़ना
Trumptes - तुरहियां/ नरसिंघे
Angelus - प्रार्थना की घंटी
Funny - विचित्र
Struck - बजाया
Trembled - काँप रही थी
Chanted - गाकर सुनाया
Twined - गुथी हुई
Planted - रूप था
Hopvine - हाप की बेल
Walnut-trees - अखरोट की पेड़
Worn घिसा दी गई
Fancy - कल्पना करो
Gazing - घूर के देखते हुए

अभी हमने the last lesson के जीने भी इम्पोर्टेन्ट word-meaning थे उनको बताने का प्रयास किया अब चलिए इस chappter के जितने भी important note है उनका लिस्ट आपको बताता हूं और आप अगर इनको याद रखते है तो आपको काफी फायदेमंद हो सकता है । इसके बाद मैं आपको कुछ questions दूंगा जिसे आप तैयारी करके आसानी से बोर्ड के एग्जाम में अच्छा अंक ला सकते है ।

The last lesson main point
1. Franz started for school very late.

2. He feared a scolding from M. Hamel, his teacher. He had not prapared his lesson on participles.

3. There was a big crowd in front of the bullentin-board near the town hall. Usually the people received news from there.

4. When he reached his school,he found it unusually quiet.

5. generally there is to be a great Hustle and bustle at school in the morning.
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6. He opened the door and went inside the classroom before everybody. he was frightened.

7. But nothing happened M hamel very kindly asked him to go to his place quickly.

8. At last M hamel broke a shocking news to his students.

9. An order had come from Berlin. all the schools of French districts of Alsace and Lorraine would teach German henceforth.

10. A new teacher would come to teach German M hamel announced that he would leave that school for good the next day.

11. Surprisingly, many village- elders had come to school to honour M.hamel.

12. He was delivering his last lesson in French.
13. The elders were sitting on the desks at the back of the class.

14. M. Hamel was a transformed person .he didn't use his ruler when Franz got mixed up and confused.

15. M.hamel regretted that the people of Alsace were quite indifferent to the learning of their mother-tongue,French.

16. He called upon his students and the village-elders to guard French among themselves. He urged them never to forget it.

17. He declared that French was the most beautiful language in the world.

18. M.hamel wanted to speak but couldn't . Emotions choked him.

19. He took a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard as large as he could write : long lifve france !

20. Then he made a gesture with his hand asking them to go out . The school was "dismissed."

अभी आपने कुछ important note को देखा चलिए अब कुछ इस chappter से जितने भी प्रश्न बनते है उसके बारे में देखते है अगर आप इन सभी प्रश्नों का answer तैयार करते है और आप इनसभी को practice में लाते है तो मुझे उम्मीद है कि अपने बोर्ड के एग्जाम में अच्छा से अच्छा अंक ला सकते है ।

The Last Lesson Important question

1). what was franz expected to be prepared with for school that day ?

2). What did franz notice that was unusual about the school that day ?

3). what had been put up on the bulletin-board ?

4). What changes did the order from berlin cause in school that day ?

5). How did franz's feeling about M.hamel and school change ?

6).The people in this story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them.What shows you this ? Why does happen ?

7). Franz think, "will the make them sing in german, even pigeons ?" What could this mean ? (there could be more than one answer ).

8). Describe the background in which 'the last lesson' of Alphonse Daudet has been set.

9). What was franz expected to be prepared with for school that day ? why he in great dread of scolding ?
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10). why did franz think of running away and spending the day out of doors ?

11). what was the temptation and how did franz resist it ?

12). what did franz was when he passed in front of the town hall on the way to school ?

13). why was there a crowd in front of the bulletin-board at the town hall ?

14). describe at least two changes that could be seen in M. hamel after he came to know of the order from Berlin ?

15). how was the scene in the school in the morning of the last lesson different from that on other days ?

16). what did franz see through the window when he reached his school ?

17). what was the thing taht surprised the narrator most ? why was evrybody sad ?

18). why didn't M.hamel get angry with franz for being late ?

19). how did m. hamel put on his fine sunday cloths ? why were the old men of the village sitting there in the back of the classroom ?

20). how did franz perform when his turn came to recite ? how did m. hamel react ?

1). what did m. hamel tell the people in the class about french language ? what did he ask them to do and why ?

21). how does m. hamel pay a tribute to the french language ?

22). why did m. hamel ask his students and the villagers to guard french among them ?

4). how did the narrator  take the last lesson in grammar and with what effect ?

1). Describe m. hamel's service to the school in Alsace.

2). what happened when the church-clock stuck twelve ?

326). how did m. hamel say farewell to his students and the village elders ?

27). justify the title of "the last lesson".

28). what message does the writer want to convey to the readers through 'the last lesson' ?

Long Answer Type Question

29).draw a character sketch of m.hamel as it is known in 'the last lesson'.

30).what was the order from berlin ? how did that order affect the people of Alsace,particularly m. hamel and his students ?

31).who was franz ? what did he think about m.hamel ? did he change his views about m.hamel ? Illustrate al least two changes that came in franz toward his teacher, his school and french.

32). what is 'linguistic chauvinism' ? Analyse the order from berlin in this do you justify m.hamel's view about french and the new-found love of the people toward their language ?

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तो अभी आपने कुछ प्रश्नों को देखा आप इन सभी प्रश्नों को अच्छे से नोट बनाते है तो आपको किसी भी प्रकार का दिक्कत नहीं होगा आप जरूर इन सभी प्रश्नों को प्रैक्टिस में लाइए ।

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